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Category Positive Motivation

Why Nike Is Right

In a few days we’ll be at the end of another year. Which means that most of us are thinking about what we’re going to do in 2022. We’ll set goals for things we want to achieve. Maybe it’s more…

The Upside of Being Rejected

Carol with Jack Canfield

Probably the most famous rejection stories are the ones about highly successful authors. Chances are you’ve read one of the “Chicken Soup” books. When the first, “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, was presented to publishers by authors Jack Canfield and…

Looking for the Rainbow


The most common natural disasters in the U.S. are Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods, Wildfires, and Earthquakes. But there are other types of disasters too! Personal ones. Personal disasters are, in order of stress impact, – the death of a spouse, partner,…