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Welcome to my Blog site and thank you for checking it out. I hope you’ll read the past blog posts you can access at the bottom of this page, and that you’ll sign up to subscribe and have a new blog post link emailed to you every Monday morning.

I chose the name Random Reasonings because there isn’t a specific topic or focus that I write about. I write to provide my readers with four things: 1.) Facts and tips to help them deal with difficult situations and life issues,  2.) The opportunity to take a pause from their lives to have a meaningful exchange about things that are fun and life affirming,  3.) Motivating and inspiring messages to help people have happier and more rewarding outlooks, and 4.) An alternative point of view or perspective about current topics to advance knowledge and understanding.

Carol Guild

About the Author

Carol retired from a 43-year career in advertising and marketing in 2016 to enjoy a relaxed life of beach living and travel.

During her career she won both national and international awards for achievements in direct marketing, travel and tourism, media, creativity, and strategic planning.

For eight years she authored the weekly blog Monday Morning Marketing Muse, providing marketing and business insights and guidance to an international list of subscribers.

Most Recent Blogs

friends at pcb winery

Count Your Wealth in Friends

Carol GuildJul 3, 2023

Regardless of your age, I encourage you to take time occasionally to think of all the friends who have come and gone in the revolving door of  your life. Every…

Cassouolet Confessions book cover

Not So Simple

Carol GuildJun 26, 2023

A few weeks ago a friend came to visit and gave me a gift – the book “Cassoulet Confessions: Food, France, Family, and the Stew That Saved My Soul”. Published…

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The Changing Roles of Fatherhood

Carol GuildJun 19, 2023

69-1974 By Carol Guild Up through the 1960s, in most households dads were the sole bread-winner for the family and therefore were often the absent figure in children’s lives. Like Ward…

Beach Boys album cover

Summer Soundtracks

Carol GuildJun 12, 2023

What music defines summer for you? As we head into the official start of the summer season, with plans to head to the beach, a favorite RV/Camping spot in the…

a plate full of strawberries

Who Doesn’t Love Strawberries!

Carol GuildJun 5, 2023

One of the best things about the first week in June is that fresh strawberries are plentiful everywhere! When I was 12 I picked strawberries for a local farm. They…

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Take a Moment

Carol GuildMay 29, 2023

In the early 1970s I had a co-worker whose dad had been captured by the Germans as a prisoner of war during WWII. She said he never, ever talked about…

family playing outdoor games

Get Outside and Play!

Carol GuildMay 22, 2023

This week is National Backyard Games Week! So to celebrate, perhaps we should all take some time to enjoy fun and games in our back yards. 83% of us are…

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The Unfairness of Being Fair

Carol GuildMay 15, 2023

When growing up, and even as adults, most of us have often been told that life isn’t fair. All of us eventually are on the unfair end of actions and…

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The Best Years of Being a Mom

Carol GuildMay 8, 2023

Every year is an exciting year for moms as we watch our kids develop, grow up, mature, and go out in the world as adults. When I look back at…